Bulk Neem Bark Powder


Neem Bark Powder
Botanical: Azadirachta indica
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SKU: 2015 Category:


The most well know use of Neen Bark is for malaria, ulcers, joint inflammation and skin issues like eczema and acne. It is a strong antioxidant that is used to help neutralize free radicals in the body. Neem Bark has anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial effects making it helpful for killing several types of bacteria, viruses and fungi without affecting the good bacteria or beneficial flora in the intestines.

Neem is often used to help reduce bacteria in the gums and mouth and is a good remedy for curing mouth ulcers, tooth decay and works great as a pain reliever for toothaches.

While Neem Bark does not seem to produce adverse side effects, it should not be used while pregnant or breastfeeding.

Additional information

Weight N/A
Pkg Size

1/4 lb, 1/2 lb, lb


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