Bulk Stevia Extract Powder

(7 customer reviews)


Bulk Stevia Extract Powder
Botanical: Stevia Rebaudiana
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SKU: 799 Category:


Bulk Stevia Extract Powder – Natural Sweet

White Bulk Stevia Extract Powder is a wonderful substitute for replacing sugar in your diet. It is well know that this generation is consuming to much sugar and statistics show that we should be worrying about it if we haven’t figured out how to cut back yet.

Research is beginning to confirm what already health conscious people have been saying for some time…that we need to consume less sugar to stay healthy. There is no question that sugar is being flagged as a possible factor in many diseases including diabetes, heart disease and maybe cancer.

Stevia Extract Powder is a 100% All Natural Sweetener that includes NO Fat, No Carbs, No Calories. The US FDA Says: Stevioside is Reported to be 250-300 Times Sweeter than Sugar & Contributes NO Calories to the Diet. It has been Reported that Stevia Does Not Raise Blood Sugar Levels Making it Perfect Option for Diabetics, Children, & Anyone Concerned About Weight Gain. If You are Interested in Cavity Prevention, Calorie Intake or Simply Need to Cut Down on Your Sugar or Artificial Sweetener Consumption, Stevia May be the Answer for You.

The Stevia or Rebaudiana Plant is available in several forms & is really just a matter of personal preference. Several simple recipes can be found on our recipe page along with details on how to make a Stevia Concentrate Yourself. You can Substitute Stevia in baking, & just the Tiny, Tiny Tip of a Teaspoon is all you need to sweeten your tea. It also tastes better than aspartame or Saccharine! We’ve personally been using Stevia for Years & Highly Recommend It.Jar of Bulk Stevia Powder

If you are looking for a better natural sugar substitute, you have come to the right place. We have been personally using the Stevia Extract Powder we sell for well over 15+ years and have always been happy with the quality and taste.

Using Stevia Tips – We have learned a few tricks along the way and are happy to share them with you so that you will not make the same mistakes we did. First, let me say that Stevia Powder is wonderful in tea, lemonade and other beverages…We Love it this way,  On the other hand, we have not had great success in baking with it. Many have purchased Stevia thinking they could make cookies, cakes, and other yummy treats. Some have had good results, others…not so much.

We have learned through trial and error that if you would like to try substituting sugar with stevia in baking, the best conversion is 1 level teaspoon per cup. For best results, when using stevia in baked goods you should still use some sugar. In other words, if your cookie recipe says 2 cups sugar, you can replace 1 of the cups with a teaspoon of stevia but not both.

For our family, we have found that we prefer to use Stevia as a sprinkle on oatmeal, toast of anything similar but because the Stevia Flavor is so concentrated, you have to be careful to sprinkle it extremely light. Usually Just a Tiny Tip of the spoon is all you need in oatmeal.

Making the Perfect Stevia Tea: When making tea, just dipping a dry spoon in the stevia about half way or less is enough. There is no need to have any stevia on the spoon other then the dust that’s left. If you have never tried Real Stevia without fillers like most other packaged Stevia Products, Give Stevia a Try & You Won’t be Disappointed.


See Our Recipe Section for Easy Stevia Extract Powder Recipes!


Botanical Name for Stevia: Stevia Rebaudiana
Keeps well in a Mason Jar for Long Term Storage

White Stevia Extract PowderPackage Size is 1 Pound – Color is White

Minimum Technical Details:
85% Stevioside + 30% Rebaudioside A

Current Stock has the Following Amounts:
91.3% Stevioside + 37% Rebaudioside A